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Oxygen Panel

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Oxygen Panel


  • AUTO - This is the normal position for this switch. The cabin oxygen mask doors will open automatically when the cabin altitude exceeds 14,000 feet.
  • ON - The cabin oxygen mask doors open regardless of cabin altitude when the Oxygen Mask Manual on switch is selected to on.

  • PASSENGER SYS ON: This illuminates in white when the oxygen mask doors are actuated. It remains on until the OXYGEN TIMER RESET switch is pushed on the overhead maintenance panel.


    • OFF: When the OXYGEN CREW SUPPLY switch is selected OFF, the OFF light illuminates white, and the oxygen supply valve is closed.
    • ON: When the OXYGEN CREW SUPPLY switch is selected ON, the OFF light extinguishes, and the cockpit oxygen supply valve is open. Low pressure oxygen is supplied to the masks.

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Last update: August 27, 2021
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